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Help ons dagboekmetingen beschikbaar te maken voor de behandeling!
Het PETRA-team start samen met de KU Leuven een onderzoek naar dagboekmetingen in de behandeling van mensen met psychiatrische klachten. PETRA is een dagboektool waarmee cliënten en behandelaren samen een persoonlijk dagboek kunnen samenstellen en de resultaten kunnen bekijken en bespreken. Om de wensen van behandelanderen bij het gebruik van dagboekmetingen in kaart te brengen, vragen we behandelaren om onze vragenlijst in te vullen.

Dagboekmetingen kunnen op veel manieren gebruikt worden in de behandeling. Het doel van dit onderzoek is om meer inzicht te krijgen in het mogelijk gewenst gebruik van dagboekmetingen. Daarom vragen we naar uw mogelijke doelen van dagboekmetingen, do’s en don’ts, en belangrijke voorwaarden. Zo kunnen we PETRA zo optimaal mogelijk laten aansluiten op de behandelpraktijk.

Het invullen van de vragenlijst kost ongeveer 20 minuten. Deelname helpt ons beter te begrijpen hoe we dagboekmetingen het best kunnen toepassen in de behandeling. Daarnaast maakt u ook kans op een cadeaukaart t.w.v. €50,-. Deelname aan dit onderzoek is volledig anoniem.

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Alvast hartelijk bedankt voor uw hulp!
Met vriendelijke groet,
Het onderzoeksteam van PETRA
IEEE call for papers
Special issue on mental health, mood and emotion

This special issue seeks to discuss novel approaches, opportunities, and challenges for developing effective, ethical, and trustworthy pervasive computing technology for mental health. The guest editors invite original and high-quality submissions addressing any aspect of the role of pervasive computing in supporting mental health. Click here for more information.

Title and abstracts due: 17 June 2021
Full manuscripts due: 1 July 2021
Publication: April-June 2022
Symposium "Small is beautiful {again}"
About Single-Case Experimental Design (SCED) research
Online: 14, 15 and 16 April 2021

We would like to ask anyone who is attending this symposium to write down some highlights and send these to We will then bundle these and share them on the internal iLab website. 
Refereeravond Fontys: wearables in de zorg
25 March 2021

During this evening there were four presentations about the possibilities and impossibilities of wearables in health care:
- Manon Peeters (Fontys Hoogeschool Eindhoven): Wearables in de zorg: wat is een wearable en wat kun je ermee? 
- Marij Zuidersma (UMCG): Ervaringen van ambulante metingen in zorg en onderzoek.
- Eric Riegen (Mentech Innovation): The HUME toepassing:  sensorgebaseerde emotiedetectie

- Kyra Frederiks: De slimme sok: voor het meten van emoties of stress
You can find a report of the presentations this evening
here (in Dutch).
Recent publications in the spotlight
Early warning signals and critical transitions in psychopathology: challenges and recommendations

By Marieke Helmich

The Transitions in Depression (TRANS-ID) project has given rise to many conceptual and practical discussions about what a study design needs in order to be optimally suited for finding early warning signals and symptom shifts in psychological data. In this review, we dive into some of the theoretical and methodological questions that researchers face when embarking on the study of early warning signals and critical transitions in psychopathology. The three key challenges we identified are 1) defining relevant symptom transitions, 2) balancing sampling frequency and the duration of the observation period with participant burden, 3) selecting the right variables. Important considerations are outlined for each of these three challenges, which we hope will provide food for thought.


Personalized ESM monitoring and feedback to support psychological treatment for depression: a pragmatic randomized controlled trial (Therap-i)

By Harriëtte Riese

Recently the protocol paper of Therap-i study has been published. The aim of Therap-i is to evaluate whether smartphone diary assessments can contribute to the effectiveness of standard treatment of depressive symptoms.

For this study, patients will fill-out personalized diaries concerning their daily symptoms, experiences, stressors and behaviours. Patients and clinicians receive personalized feedback, which will be used to help in case conceptualization, adapting the psychological treatment further to the patients' needs, and involving patients in clinical decision making (i.e. shared decision making).

The Therap-i module is integrated in the standard psychological care for depression. It has been developed in close collaboration with patients, therapists and researchers. The Therap-i study is supported by a grant from Stichting tot Steun VCVGZ” (grantno 239), and we are still looking for participants! More information can be found on or shoot us a mail:

Riese H, von Klipstein L, Schoevers RA, van der Veen DC, Servaas MN. Personalized ESM monitoring and feedback to support psychological treatment for depression: a pragmatic randomized controlled trial (Therap-i). BMC Psychiatry 2021:21;143.

New employees
Charlie Schillemans
PhD student working with Sanne Booij, Rogier Hoenders and Stynke Castelein
My name is Charlie Schillemans and I am a PhD Candidate at Lentis Psychiatric Institute and the Faculty of Behavioural and Social Sciences. During my PhD, I investigate the role of lifestyle interventions in psychiatry, which is a perfect match and expansion of my background in Human Movement Sciences.

We started with a meta-analysis and systematic review on this topic. Besides this, we are developing a lifestyle intervention aiming for healthy behaviors in the domains of nutrition, physical activity, relaxation, sleep, substance use, mind-body medicine and spirituality. For this intervention, we aim to test the acceptability, feasibility and effectiveness on patients with a chronic or severe psychiatric illness. Other than group effects on a broad range of health indicators, we are also interested in individual participant characteristics and paths of change.

The Covid pandemic forces us to be creative in research. For us this resulted in plans to make our intervention “corona-proof” by making it suitable for both online and face-to-face application. We aim to pilot this lifestyle intervention by the end of this year. Hopefully with some less restrictions and more real-life contact with colleagues and participants.

Starting a PhD during a pandemic is odd, but luckily, we have our platforms, such as the iLab, to keep in touch and learn from each other. I am looking forward to be part of the iLab group and share experiences and knowledge with all of you.
C. Esdras de Almeida
The associations between daily experiences of loneliness and psychotic experiences across individuals with different levels of risk for psychosis.

Hello everyone! My name is C. Esdras de Almeida. My background is in Clinical Psychology at Universidade Federal Fluminense in Brazil. Currently, I am in the 2nd year of the research Master of Clinical and Psychosocial Epidemiology (CPE) at the UMCG, where I received the Orange Tulip Scholarship promoted by the Netherlands Education Support Office in Brazil.
The CPE master's program was a hallmark for me to develop my passion for the psychosocial mechanisms of mental health and interdisciplinary research. I am conducting my research supervised by Dr. Johanna Wigman, Dr. Sanne Booij, and MSc. Sara van der Tuin in the Interdisciplinary Center Psychopathology and Emotion Regulation. Our investigation is about the associations between daily experiences of loneliness and psychotic experiences by using daily diary data over 90 consecutive days collected in 96 individuals with different levels of risk for psychosis.
Hopefully, we can have in-person meetings this year still. Otherwise, I look forward to meeting you all in (online) research meetings and for future collaborations!

Diaz Mora Prameyllawati – starting master thesis in ICPE

Hello! My name is Diaz Mora Prameyllawati, and I am from Indonesia. My education background is Public Health, specifically in Epidemiology and Tropical Disease. I am a 1st year student in Research Master of Clinical and Psychosocial Epidemiology (CPE), UMCG. Currently, I am in the beginning of my Master thesis that aims to investigate the role of coping in the persistence of psychotic experiences. My research is supervised by Dr. Hanneke Wigman and Sara van der Tuin, MSc. In addition, as this project is within Mapping Individual Routes of Risk and Resilience (Mirror) study, I will have advantage to b supervised by Dr. Sanne Booij who will provide feedbacks on the statistical techniques. Last but not least, I am also supported by C. Esdras de Almeida (2nd year CPE student) who is doing Master thesis in this team. I would say that I am so lucky to be supported by great mentors in Mirror team! Although my Master thesis topic is slightly different with my background but I am super excited to start my experiences in the ICPE. Hence, I cannot wait for the future collaborations! 

Desi Burghoorn
My name is Desi Burghoorn and I’m currently starting my CPE master thesis project under the supervision of Sanne Booij, Harriëtte Riese and Robert Schoevers. It will be a meta-analysis on identifying accurate clinical prediction models  for estimating therapeutic outcomes in patients with anxiety, mood or psychotic disorders. I’m very excited to learn how to perform a meta-analysis on a topic that has the potential to identify a wide range of biopsychosocial variables. Hopefully, it will produce a paper that will be of great use for the department!
The broad focus of the project is something I appreciate, and in a sense, is a continuation of my learning path so far at the University of Groningen. During my bachelor phase, I completed a Liberal Arts and Science propedeuse and continued to study at the faculty of spatial sciences. During my bachelor Human Geography, Urban and Regional planning, the fascination for studying health through an interdisciplinary lens sprouted. I participated in the Honors program and did a minor in psychology. Aside from this, my bachelor program allowed me to do fieldwork in Iceland, Estonia, Switzerland and the United States. Also, I was very lucky to participate in an exchange program with the University of Washington. In Seattle, I took courses on the relation between health and place. My bachelor thesis was qualitative and close to home. I conducted semi-structured interviews with Dutch Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus patients in which they were asked to reconstruct their adolescence by filling in a time-line as aide-memoire. From this transcript, I derived factors that might explain their increased susceptibility towards developing depressive symptoms during this life phase.
My bachelor phase showed me by how many variables health is influenced. How interesting the dynamics between mental and physical health are. How an individual’s health status is momentarily captured by quantitative measurements, but a constant negotiation between many biopsychosocial acting many scales and environments. Therefore, I’m incredibly excited to be part of iLab with its idiographic and transdiagnostic approach. To put my geography background in use: I think iLab is a great place to conduct research. I hope to meet you all very soon!
Interesting courses
26-28 May 2021: ESM Data Analysis course Maastricht University by Wolfgang Viechtbauer (fully booked)

Spring 2021: REAL ESM/EMA workshop KU Leuven (see site for updated information regarding Coronavirus)

August 2021: Modeling the dynamics of intensive longitudinal data, Utrecht University (this course is cancelled for 2020, but expected to be given again in 2021)

Online courses:
- search
Coursera for an online course to your interest. They have numerous statistical/methodological or content-related online courses.
- Learn R through Datacamp. The iLab has a subscription for DataCamp. Send an e-mail to if you are interested.
- ARIMA and VAR analysis by Elske Bos (send an e-mail to if you are interested but have no access to the google drive)
Upcoming symposia, conferences
Recent publications
Helmich MA, Olthof M, Oldehinkel AJ, Wichers M, Bringmann LF. Smit AC. Early warning signals and critical transitions in psychopathology: challenges and recommendations. Curr Opin Psychol 2021 Feb 23;41: 51-58.
Hjartarson KH, Snorrason I, Bringmann LF, Ögmundsson BE, Ólafsson RP. Do daily mood fluctuations activate ruminative thoughts as a mental habit? Results from an ecological momentary assessment study. Behav Res Ther. 2021 Feb 20;140:103832.
Zuidersma M, Lugtenburg A, van Zelst W, Reesink FE, de Deyn PP, Strijkert F, Zuidema SU, Oude Voshaar RC. Temporal dynamics of depression, cognitive performance and sleep in older persons with depressive symptoms and cognitive impairments: a series of eight single-subject studies. International Psychogeriatrics, 2021: Mar 15:1-13.
Riese H, von Klipstein L, Schoevers RA, van der Veen DC, Servaas MN. Personalized ESM monitoring and feedback to support psychological treatment for depression: a pragmatic randomized controlled trial (Therap-i). BMC Psychiatry 2021; Mar 10; 21(1): 143.
Kuranova A, Wigman JTW, Menne-Lothmann C, Decoster J, van Winkel R, Delespaul P, Drukker M, de Hert M, Derom C, Thiery E, Rutten BPF, Jacobs N, van Os J, Oldehinkel AJ, Booij SH, Wichers M. Network dynamics of momentary affective states and future course of psychopathology in adolescents. PloS One. 2021 Mar 4;16(3):e0247458
Difrancesco S, Penninx BWJH, Antypa N, van Hemert AM, Riese H, Lamers FJ. The day-to-day bidirectional longitudinal association between objective and self-reported sleep and affect: an ambulatory assessment study. Journal of Affective Disorders 2021 Mar 15; 283: 165-171.
Difrancesco S, Riese H, Merikangas KR, Shou H, Zipunnikov V, Niki A, Hemert AM, Schoevers RA, Penninx BWJH, Lamers F. Sociodemographic, health and lifestyle, sampling, and mental health determinants of 24-hour motor activity patterns: observational study. J. Med. Internet Res. 2021 Feb 17;23(2):e20700. 
Difrancesco S, Penninx BWJH, Riese H, Giltay EJ, Lamers F. The role of depressive symptoms and symptom dimensions in actigraphy-assessed sleep, circadian rhythm, and physical activity. Psychological Medicine. 2021 Jan 12:1-7.
Bastiaansen JA, Ornee DA, Meurs M, Oldehinkel AJ. An evaluation of the efficacy of two add-on ecological momentary intervention modules for depression in a pragmatic randomized controlled trial (ZELF-i). Psychological medicine 2020, Dec 14: 1-10.  
Wichers M, Smit AC, Snippe E. Early warning signals based on momentary affect dynamics can expose nearby transitions in depression: a confirmatory single-subject time-series study. J Pers Oriented Res. 2020 Sep 10;6(1):1-15.
iLab website 
iLab staff
Harriëtte Riese: (head of iLab)
Gerda Bloem: (equipment and room reservations)
Klaas Wardenaar: (statistical advice, newsletters)
Marij Zuidersma: (newsletters and iLab website)
Robert Schoevers: (head of UCP) 
Sanne Booij: (iLab module)

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