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PETRA is going to be launched!
February 2021 PETRA (Personalized treatment by real-time assessment) will become available in the RoQua-environment of the EPD. PETRA is a diary tool that enables specialists and patients to compose their own personal diary. Patients will then be asked to fill out these diaries on their smartphones. The PETRA tool will provide feedback reports, aiming to give specialists and patients insight into their complaints. 
If you want to know more about PETRA see:

See also the latest vlog by Fionneke Bos:
ESM item repository
By Yoram Kunkels
Past month included the 1st birthday of quite a special Open Science project, namely the ESM Item Repository! Founded during a hackathon of the Belgian Dutch ESM Network, this project has grown from being a mere idea to improve transparency in ESM research, to an online repository already containing more than 750 ESM items. Researchers worldwide have supported us by sending us the ESM items they used in their research to be included in the ESM Item Repository, making them transparent and available for a large audience of fellow-scholars and ESM enthusiasts. In the past year, the Repository was already visited over 5.300 times, and we hope to welcome even more visitors this year. Moreover, in the coming weeks, we hope to present our own blog online. Curious? Visit us on
Recent publications in the spotlight
By Lino von Klippstein

Using person-specific networks in psychotherapy: challenges, limitations, and how we could use them anyway

We are proud to present our opinion paper on the use of ESM-based person-specific networks in psychotherapy. We know there are many opinions on networks out there, so we are looking forward to discussing it with you.

von Klipstein, L., Riese, H., van Der Veen, D. C., Servaas, M. N., & Schoevers, R. A. (2020). Using person-specific networks in psychotherapy: challenges, limitations, and how we could use them anyway. BMC Medicine, 18(1). doi:10.1186/s12916-020-01818-0
By Laura Bringmann

ESMvis: a tool for visualizing individual Experience Sampling Method (ESM) data
If you like pretty pictures and you want to have your Experience Sampling or Ecological Momentary Assessment data dynamically visualized as a movie, you can eat your heart out (please don't visualize that). Check out our article *ESMvis*! Together with Date van der Veen, Harriëtte Riese, Marieke Wichers and Gert Stulp.
By Fionneke Bos

Recommendations for the use of long-term experience sampling in bipolar disorder care: a qualitative study of patient and clinician experiences
In this qualitative study, we assessed experiences of patients with bipolar disorder and their clinicians with 4-month ESM and personalized feedback added to treatment. Personalized feedback was perceived as interesting, but participants had expected more clear-cut conclusions on diagnosis and treatment. We discuss that there might be a discrepancy between what patients and clinicians expect from ESM and what ESM statistical models can currently offer. It is important to manage expectations about the promise of ESM, and ESM feedback should be made relevant to clinical practice.
Bos FM, Snippe E, Bruggeman R, Doornbos B, Wichers M, van der Krieke L. Recommendations for the use of long-term experience sampling in bipolar disorder care: a qualitative study of patient and clinician experiences. Int J Bipolar Disord. 2020 Dec 1;8(1):38. doi: 10.1186/s40345-020-00201-5.
By Marij Zuidersma
Single-subject research in psychiatry: facts and fictions. 
he single-subject study is not often used in the field of psychiatry. We believe that this is because of a lack of awareness of its value rather than a lack of usefulness or feasibility. In the present paper, we aimed to resolve some common misconceptions and beliefs about single-subject studies by discussing some commonly heard ‘facts and fictions’. 

Zuidersma M, Riese H, Snippe E, Booij SH, Wichers MC, Bos EH. Single-subject research in psychiatry: facts and fictions. Frontiers in Psychiatry.
New employees
Timon Elmer – Postdoc with Laura Bringmann, Tom Snijders and Marijtje van Duijn
My name is Timon Elmer and I am a postdoctoral researcher at the Department of Psychometrics and Statistics of the University of Groningen. In my postdoc project, I investigate the interplay between social network and affect dynamics. More precisely, I aim at modeling the temporal patterns of social context variables of ESM data together with affect variables. Investigating the interplay between social and emotional processes in daily life, however, is not straightforward. To model the dynamics of these processes, I hence make methodological contributions by combining statistical tools from time-series and social network analysis methods.
Before joining the LaBlab (, I was a PhD-Student and Postdoc at the Chair of Social Networks of ETH Zürich. There, I mainly focused on investigating the co-evolution of social networks and mental health. During that time, I also collected some experience as a clinical psychologist.
Starting a postdoc during a pandemic is so much fun. It has never been easier to meet other researchers and to find out what great research is being conducted close by. No, seriously: It sucks! I’m glad the iLab exists and helps to make the knowledge transfer between research and practitioners a lot easier!
New iLab-initiative
Pre-processing of diary data
We will start a new iLab workgroup to create an internal report that makes it easier for ESM researchers to preprocess their diary data. It will describe the essential steps necessary when preprocessing diary data, in for instance a flow chart. In Spring 2021 we will have 2-3 brainstorm meetings of one hour and we are looking for some PhD students or postdocs who have experience in working with diary data to participate.
Are you interested in participating in these brainstorm sessions, shoot an e-mail to 
Interesting courses
To be announced when: ESM Data Analysis course Maastricht University by Wolfgang Viechtbauer

Spring 2021: REAL ESM/EMA workshop KU Leuven (see site for updated information regarding Coronavirus)

August 2021: Modeling the dynamics of intensive longitudinal data, Utrecht University (this course is cancelled for 2020, but expected to be given again in 2021)

Online courses:
- search
Coursera for an online course to your interest. They have numerous statistical/methodological or content-related online courses.
- Learn R through Datacamp. The iLab has a subscription for DataCamp. Send an e-mail to if you are interested.
- ARIMA and VAR analysis by Elske Bos (send an e-mail to if you are interested but have no access to the google drive)
Upcoming symposia, conferences
Februari 2021: iLab meeting: Klaas Wardenaar: power analysis for multilevel ESM studies.
10-13 April 2021: European Congress of Psychiatry (digital). Theme: "Personalising and Integrating Mental Health Care in the Digital Era"
29 June - 2 July 2021: The Society for Ambulatory Assessment (SAA) 2021 conference (digital).
Recent publications
Minaeva O, Riese H, Lamers F, Antypa N, Wichers M, Booij SH. Screening for depression in daily life: development and external validation of a prediction model based on actigraphy and experience sampling method. JMIR 2020: 22(12): December.
Zuidersma M, Riese H, Snippe E, Booij SH, Wichers MC, Bos EH. Single-subject research in psychiatry: facts and fictions. Frontiers in Psychiatry. In press.
Worm-Smeitink M, Monden R, Groen RN, van Gils A, Bekhuis E, Rosmalen J, Knoop H.J. Towards personalized assessment of fatigue perpetuating factors in patients with chronic fatigue syndrome using ecological momentary assessment: A pilot study. Psychosom Res. 2020 Nov 17;140:110296. doi: 10.1016/j.jpsychores.2020.110296.
Bringmann, L.F., van der Veen, D., Wichers, M. et al. ESMvis: a tool for visualizing individual Experience Sampling Method (ESM) data. Qual Life Res (2020).
von Klipstein, L., Riese, H., van Der Veen, D. C., Servaas, M. N., & Schoevers, R. A. (2020). Using person-specific networks in psychotherapy: challenges, limitations, and how we could use them anyway. BMC Medicine, 18(1). doi:10.1186/s12916-020-01818-0
Bos FM, Snippe E, Bruggeman R, Doornbos B, Wichers M, van der Krieke L. Recommendations for the use of long-term experience sampling in bipolar disorder care: a qualitative study of patient and clinician experiences. Int J Bipolar Disord. 2020 Dec 1;8(1):38. doi: 10.1186/s40345-020-00201-5.
Groen RN, van Gils A, Emerencia AC, Bos EH, Rosmalen JGM. Exploring temporal relationships among worrying, anxiety, and somatic symptoms. J Psychosom Res. 2020 Nov 12:110293. doi: 10.1016/j.jpsychores.2020.110293.
Schreuder MJ, Hartman CA, George SV, Menne-Lothmann C, Decoster J, van Winkel R, Delespaul P, De Hert M, Derom C, Thiery E, Rutten BPF, Jacobs N, van Os J, Wigman JTW, Wichers M. Early warning signals in psychopathology: what do they tell? BMC Med. 2020 Oct 14;18(1):269. doi: 10.1186/s12916-020-01742-3.
Groen RN, Ryan O, Wigman JTW, Riese H, Penninx BWJH, Giltay EJ, Wichers M, Hartman CA. Comorbidity between depression and anxiety: assessing the role of bridge mental states in dynamic psychological networks. BMC Med. 2020 Sep 29;18(1):308. doi: 10.1186/s12916-020-01738-z.
Groen RN, van Gils A, Emerencia AC, Bos EH, Rosmalen JGM. Exploring temporal relationships among worrying, anxiety, and somatic symptoms. J Psychosom Res. 2020 Nov 12:110293. doi: 10.1016/j.jpsychores.2020.110293.
iLab website 
iLab staff
Harriëtte Riese: (head of iLab)
Gerda Bloem: (equipment and room reservations)
Klaas Wardenaar: (statistical advice, newsletters)
Marij Zuidersma: (newsletters and iLab website)
Robert Schoevers: (head of UCP) 

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