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Next iLab meeting: 4 July 2019 16:00-17:00

Julian Burger and Date van der Veen - Bridging the gap between clinical practice and complex models

More information will follow soon. 

Please note that the previously mentioned date of 16 May has been changed into the current date of 4 July. This, because the conference Supporting Health by Technology (9th Edition) is held on 16 May in the MartiniPlaza in Groningen

The Experience Sampling Method (ESM) Item Repository

Hi everyone,

We are currently building an  ESM Item Repository, and are delighted to announce that it is now officially live and open for submissions! 

To get us off to a flying start, we would like to try and get as many items into the repository as possible by Monday 3rd June.

Our aim is to support the development, transparency and reproducibility of ESM research by creating an open repository of existing ESM items. Contributing items to the repository means that we can all more easily find, use and cite these items. Going forward, we also aim to psychometrically validate items within the repository. In order to achieve this, we need your help in collecting as many items as possible! To find out more information and to contribute items to the repository, check out the Contributors’ Pack on our OSF project page here ( 

If you are planning on contributing items to the repository, please let us know h

Please also feel free to get in touch with any questions:

So let’s dust off those ESM items we all have lying around and get them into the open!
Thanks and best wishes,

Olivia Kirtley, KU Leuven
Anu Pauliina Hiekkaranta, KU Leuven
Yoram Kunkels, UMCG
Davinia Verhoeven, KU Leuven
Martine Van Nierop, KU Leuven
Inez Germeys, KU Leuven.
Call for papers BMC Medicine: Complexity in Mental Health Research: Theory, Method, and Empirical Contributions. 

We are now welcoming submissions for a new article collection on complexity in mental health research. We invite research and front-matter submissions that embrace complexity and chart a path forward for investigating mental disorders as complex systems.

Potentially interesting article that recently appeared

Stadnitski, T, Wild B. How to deal with temporal relationships between biopsychosocial variables: a practical guide to time series analysis. Psychosomatic Medicine 2019; 81(3): 289-304. doi: 10.1097/PSY.0000000000000680.
New projects
MINDCOG: mechanisms of change of short therapeutic interventions to reduce perseverative cognitiona vulnerability for depression.
Marie-José van Tol, Marieke van Vugt, Harriëtte Riese, Marlijn Besten.

In fall 2019, we hope to start with the MINDCOG project, a study into maladaptive thinking in Major Depressive Disorder (MDD). Persistent negative thinking and rumination (i.e., perseverative cognitions [PC]) are key characteristics of MDD that often persist in the remitted phase. Therapeutic techniques, including fantasizing and mindfulness, seem potent in reducing relapse, putatively by enhancing positive attitudes and acceptance of thoughts, respectively. The MINDCOG study investigates 1) the psycho-physiological and cognitive mechanisms by which one-week App-based training of fantasizing vs. mindfulness affect PC and 2) if pre-therapeutic individual characteristics predict superior effectivity of one intervention over the other in reducing PC. Together with Marie-José van Tol (Cognitive Neuroscience Center), Marieke van Vugt (Artificial Intelligence) and Harriëtte Riese, Marlijn Besten will work on this project during her PhD. Currently, they are working on the METc protocol and funding applications.  The goal is to include 50 remitted MDD patients, vulnerable for depressive relapse, and 50 healthy controls. The study uses a cross-over design studying the effects of both fantasizing and mindfulness within individuals. Intervention effects will be measured using ecological momentary assessment (EMA), heart rate variability (HRV) and electroencephalogram (EEG).
MATCH: Modifying psychologicAl Treatment to the CHaracteristics and needs of cancer survivors
Judith Rosmalen is co-investigator of a project that started July 2018 at the Amsterdam UMC, the MATCH study. The aim of this study is to examine whether personalized psychological treatment has added value to protocollized psychological treatment on patient functioning in 186 cancer survivors with severe cancer-related fatigue, depression and/or fear of cancer recurrence. 
Investigators of this study are Prof. dr. Hans Knoop, dr. Annemarie Braamse & Susan Harnas, MSc (onderzoeksteam Amsterdam UMC, locatie AMC), prof dr. Judith Rosmalen (UMCG, ICPE)
Timeline of this project is: 1 July 2018 until 30 June 2022.
New employees
Marlijn Besten - MINDCOG
My name is Marlijn Besten and I started as a PhD candidate on the MINDCOG project in October 2018.
After finishing my Bachelor in Psychology at the University of Twente, I moved to Groningen to do the research master Behavioural and Cognitive Neurosciences. As a Master Thesis, I worked together with Marie-José van Tol and Marieke van Vugt on an interdisciplinary project studying whether thought content could be manipulated using stress and positive affect induction techniques in individuals varying in susceptibility to negative affect. We found some interesting results and decided to write a proposal for a PhD bursary project at the Faculty of Behavioral and Social Sciences (RUG). My PhD project is an extension of the Master Thesis studying the mechanisms of change of short therapeutic interventions to reduce perseverative cognition, a maladaptive way of thinking related to a vulnerability for depression. Together with Harriëtte Riese, we are now working on the design of a diary study using heart rate measures and electroencephalogram studying the effects of mindfulness and positive fantasizing on perseverative cognition.
Interesting courses
24-28 June 2019: Summer School Psychological Networks: Amsterdam.

19-23 August 2019: Summer School Utrecht: Modeling the dynamics of intensive longitudinal data.
Upcoming symposia and conferences
16 and 17 May 2019: MartiniPlaza in Groningen (the Netherlands): Conference Supporting Health by Technology (9th Edition) 
19-22 June 2019: Syracuse (USA): 6th biannual conference of the Society for Ambulatory Assessment (SAA). 
20-22 June 2019: SLTBR (Chicago USA): 31st annual conference of the Society for Light Treatment and Biological Rhythms 

The Society for Light Treatment and Biological Rhythms (SLTBR) is an international scientific non-profit organization devoted to promoting research and (clinical) knowledge about the chronobiology of psychiatric as well as other medical disorders.  The conference, to be held at the Northwestern school of medicine, will consist of clinical, applied and fundamental symposia devoted to the effects of light, sleep and its role in health, mood regulation and performance. SLTBR welcomes abstract submission from members and non-members alike. Abstracts may be submitted as an oral or poster presentation. 
Abstract Deadline: March 31, 2019
26-28 June 2019: ICAMPAM (Maastricht): Physical activity and monitoring: from data science to applications 

Late breaking abstract submissions will be accepted during a two-week submission period beginning on Friday, March 15, and closing on Monday, April 1Late breaking abstracts will be considered for poster presentation only. No oral presentations will be awarded.

Symposium submission closed
Pre-conference workshop submission closed 
Regular abstract submission closed
4 July 2019: 16:00-17:00: Ilab research meeting

Julian Burger and Date van der Veen

"Bridging the gap between clinical practice and complex models."

Please note that the previously mentioned date of 16 May has been changed into the current date of 4 July. This, because the conference Supporting Health by Technology (9th Edition) is held on 16 May in the MartiniPlaza in Groningen
16-18 Oct 2019: Tilburg, 7th International Conference on Emotions, Wellbeing and Health. 


Deadline for submission of abstracts, symposia, and workshops is: April 1, 2019.

7th International conference on emotions, wellbeing and health. Tilburg. This three-day-conference will offer a broad variety of research on how adequate and inadequate emotion regulation impact on mental and physical functioning. As in the previous conferences in this series, Emotions 2019 will include cuttingedge fundamental research, novel research methodologies, and clinically oriented studies.
iLab initiatives and facilitation
iLab work meeting: The Experience sampling Method in Clinical Practice

A monthly meeting for researchers and healthcare professionals who are interested in research into and implementation of ESM in clinical practice. The goals are to discuss ongoing and new projects, initiate joint projects, inform each other about relevant developments, and to zoom in on issues that are relevant to employing ESM in clinical practice. The monthly meetings will be short and sweet (45 minutes) with a quick round of updates from the participants followed by a presentation or discussion of a relevant topic.

Those interested in the monthly iLab meeting “ESM in clinical practice” can register by sending an e-mail to Jojanneke Bastiaansen:
Learn working with R or Python with Datacamp
If you want to make use of Datacamp you can send an e-mail to Marij Zuidersma ( She will give you access to the Google Calendar, to DataCamp, and provide some general instructions.
Recent iLab publications

Hoorelbeke K, Van den Bergh N, Wichers M, Koster EHW. Between vulnerability and resilience: A network analysis of fluctuations in cognitive risk and protective factors following remission from depression. Behav Res Ther. 2019 Jan 23;116:1-9. doi: 10.1016/j.brat.2019.01.007.

Provenzano J, Bastiaansen JA, Verduyn P, Oldehinkel AJ, Fossati P, Kuppens P. Different Aspects of the Neural Response to Socio-Emotional Events Are Related to Instability and Inertia of Emotional Experience in Daily Life: An fMRI-ESM Study. Front Hum Neurosci. 2018 Dec 11;12:501. doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2018.00501.

Bos EH, de Jonge P, Cox RFA. Affective variability in depression: Revisiting the inertia-instability paradox. Br J Psychol. 2018 Dec 26. doi: 10.1111/bjop.12372.

Janssens KAM, Bos EH, Rosmalen JGM, Wichers MC, Riese H. A qualitative approach to guide choices for designing a diary study. BMC Medical Research Methodology 2018;18:140.

Suelmann H, Brouwers A, Snippe E. Explaining Variations in Mindfulness Levels in Daily Life. Mindfulness (N Y). 2018;9(6):1895-1906. doi: 10.1007/s12671-018-0932-1.

Bakker JM, Goossens L, Kumar P, Lange IMJ, Michielse S, Schruers K, Bastiaansen JA, Lieverse R, Marcelis M, van Amelsvoort T, van Os J, Myin-Germeys I, Pizzagalli DA, Wichers M. From laboratory to life: associating brain reward processing with real-life motivated behaviour and symptoms of depression in non-help-seeking young adults. Psychol Med. 2018 Nov 29:1-11. doi: 10.1017/S0033291718003446.

Batalas N, Khan VJ, Franzen M, Markopoulos P, Aan Het Rot M. Formal representation of ambulatory assessment protocols in HTML5 for human readability and computer execution. Behav Res Methods. 2018 Nov 7. doi: 10.3758/s13428-018-1148-y.

Ciere Y, Snippe E, Padberg M, Jacobs B, Visser A, Sanderman R, Fleer, J. The role of state and trait positive affect and mindfulness in affective reactivity to pain in chronic migraine. Health Psychology 2018, in press.

Bogers RP, Van Gils A, Clahsen SCS, Vercruijsse W, Van Kamp I, Baliatsas C, Rosmalen JGM, Bolte JFB. Individual variation in temporal relationships between exposure to radiofrequency electromagnetic fields and non-specific physical symptoms: a new approach in studying 'electrosensitivity'. Environ Int 2018, 121(Pt 1): 297-307.

Bastiaansen JA, Meurs M, Stelwagen R, Wunderink L, Schoevers RA, Wichers M, Oldehinkel AJ. Self-monitoring and personalized feedback based on the experiencing sampling method as a tool to boost depression treatment: a protocol of a pragmatic randomized controlled trial (ZELF-i). BMC Psychiatry 2018: 18(1): 276.

Widdershoven RLA, Wichers M, Kuppens P, Hartmann JA, Menne-Lothmann C, Simons CJP, Bastiaansen JA. Effect of self-monitoring through experience sampling on emotion differentiation in depression. J Affective Disorders 2018; 244: 71-77.

Do you miss your publication in this list? Send it to and it will be listed in the next newsletter.

iLab website
password employees pages: Idiographic321

iLab staff
Harriëtte Riese: (Head of iLab)
Gerda Bloem: (equipment and room reservations)
Klaas Wardenaar: (newsletters)
Marij Zuidersma: (newsletters and iLab website)

Robert Schoevers: (Head of UCP)
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