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Next iLab meeting: 4 July 2019 16:00-17:00

Julian Burger and Date van der Veen - Bridging the gap between clinical practice and complex models

More information will follow soon. 

Please note that the previously mentioned date of 16 May has been changed into the current date of 4 July. This, because the conference Supporting Health by Technology (9th Edition) is held on 16 May in the MartiniPlaza in Groningen
New iLab work meeting: The Experience sampling Method in Clinical Practice

With a group of enthusiasts we are starting a monthly meeting for researchers and healthcare professionals who are interested in research into and implementation of ESM in clinical practice. The goals are to discuss ongoing and new projects, initiate joint projects, inform each other about relevant developments, and to zoom in on issues that are relevant to employing ESM in clinical practice. The monthly meetings will be short and sweet (45 minutes) with a quick round of updates from the participants followed by a presentation or discussion of a relevant topic. The first meeting on Monday 25 March will focus on PETRA: a flexible interface for personalized diagnostics and treatment in mental health care that is being developed by the UCP.

Those interested in the monthly iLab meeting “ESM in clinical practice” can register by sending an e-mail to Jojanneke Bastiaansen:

Kick-off meeting: Monday March 25, 12-12.45h (UMCG, Triadebuilding, entrance 24, 1st floor, room K1.25)
Learn working with R or Python with Datacamp
Always wanted to learn more about working with R? Or Python? The iLab has opened an account for Datacamp ( Datacamp is an online course platform which offers a broad range of data science courses, including all kinds of R courses (from learning how to work with R to more advanced courses).

If you want to make use of Datacamp you can send an e-mail to Marij Zuidersma ( She will give you access to the Google Calendar, to DataCamp, and provide some general instructions.

It is important that you make a reservation in the Google Agenda when you want to use DataCamp. This, because only 1 person at a time can make use of it. When you are finished working with DataCamp, please remove your progress, so the next person can start from the beginning of the course again.
Sanne Booij has left the iLab staff
After the Summer, Sanne will start with a new job at the department of Developmental Psychology at the faculty of Behavioural  and Social Sciences with Peter de Jonge. Therefore, she has to end her tasks as an iLab staff-member. We thank Sanne for her valuable input in the iLab staff and wish her good luck with her new job.
Designing a diary study, practical advice
by Karin Janssens and Harriette Riese

When designing a diary study (EMA/ESM) many choices have to be made about the design of the diary study. These choices concern, among others, the duration of the diary study, the measurement frequency, momentary or retrospective assessment and random or fixed assessment. The iLab performed a structured qualitative study to obtain more insight into these choices and to guide researchers with choices for future diary studies. Forty-seven experienced EMA researchers (from 27 institutes located in 12 different countries) were asked how they ended up with their eventual diary design.  When summarizing their answers we ended up with four overarching questions important for choosing a particular design. That were (1) how do you obtain the most reliable results?; (2) what is feasible for participant and researcher?; (3) what are the features of your variable(s) of interests?, and (4) which analyses do you want to perform?. It turned out that no uniform optimal diary design exists. The optimal diary design depends on the research question you want to answer. A checklist to guide choices that have to be made when designing a diary study was developed in cooperation with RoQua. This checklist can be found in the appendix of the article. We believe that the results of our study will be helpful for designing upcoming diary studies.
Janssens KAM, Bos EH, Rosmalen JGM, Wichers MC, Riese H. A qualitative approach to guide choices for designing a diary study. BMC Medical Research Methodology 2018;18:140.

Report: Wearables In Practice Symposium, December 12th , 2018 
by Olga Minaeva
On Wednesday, December 12th I attended the fifth Wearables In Practice Symposium organized by Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. The event started with a first keynote lecture by Mark Hoogendoorn from the department of Artificial Intelligence at the VU. Mark gave an extremely interesting and useful presentation about machine learning for sensory data. Despite the complexity of the topic he managed to clearly explain potential applications of the technique for passively gathered data and medical research in general. Following, we had three informative presentations about skin conductance level as an index for stress, physiological predictors for aggression in patients and burnout symptoms in nursing staff and prolonged glucose monitoring.
During the lunch break we had a poster session where I presented my poster and got useful input and some interesting questions; we also had an opportunity to exchange information and ideas with other researchers. After that we could choose to participate in one of two workshops (Ambulatory Monitoring System or SenseIT platform for HR feedback) and to get familiar with those tools that are being used for passive gathering of physiological data.
Finally, we had a second keynote lecture by Hans Bussmann from the Erasmus Medical Center. Hans was telling us about objective measurement of physical behavior in rehabilitation research and clinical practice. He specifically stated how physical behavior is different from physical activity and why it is important.
I would like to thank the organizers of the event. It was certainly an informative and inspiring day and I’m glad I had a chance to participate in this symposium.
On Thursday 16 and Friday 17 May 2019, the conference Supporting Health by Technology (9th Edition) will be organised in the MartiniPlaza in Groningen (the Netherlands). The conference is organised by the Dept. of Health Psychology of the University Medical Center Groningen & the Dept. of Psychology, Health and Technology of the University of Twente (Centre for eHealth and Wellbeing Research), under the auspices of The Dutch eHealth Foundation (
As usual, the conference will be interactive; demonstrating and discussing progress in development of eHealth interventions and introducing new methods and models for behaviour change using monitoring technologies.
On Thursday morning several interesting pre-conference workshops will be organised. In the afternoon on Thursday and on Friday there will be the opportunity to present research papers, posters, or demonstrations. The conference has an international focus and aims to attract participants from all over Europe. Among others, different international consortia, including participants from the ENTWINE project ( ), will be present. 
It is possible to register for the conference via website The deadline for abstract submission has already expired. If you already have questions please send an e-mail to or get into contact with one of the organizers (see below).

We hope to see you on the 16th of May!

On behalf of the organizing committee,

Prof. dr. Lisette van Gemert-Pijnen &                      Prof. dr. Robbert Sanderman &
Dr. Saskia Kelders                                                         Prof. dr. Mariët Hagedoorn

University of Twente                                       University Medical Center Groningen

New projects
MATCH: Modifying psychologicAl Treatment to the CHaracteristics and needs of cancer survivors
Judith Rosmalen is co-investigator of a project that started July 2018 at the Amsterdam UMC, the MATCH study. The aim of this study is to examine whether personalized psychological treatment has added value to protocollized psychological treatment on patient functioning in 186 cancer survivors with severe cancer-related fatigue, depression and/or fear of cancer recurrence. 
Investigators of this study are Prof. dr. Hans Knoop, dr. Annemarie Braamse & Susan Harnas, MSc (onderzoeksteam Amsterdam UMC, locatie AMC), prof dr. Judith Rosmalen (UMCG, ICPE)
Timeline of this project is: 1 July 2018 until 30 June 2022.
New employees
Julian Burger - Bridging the gap between clinical practice and complex models
My name is Julian Burger, and I am doing my PhD as a collaborative project between the UMCG and the University of Amsterdam (department of psychological methods). After having worked in an outpatient practice in Germany, I did the research master clinical psychology/psychological methods in Amsterdam. One thing I realized, comparing the hands-on clinical work with rather abstract modeling techniques, is that while both would greatly benefit from one another and while these models tackle a lot of the issues found in psychotherapy, there still remains a gap between clinical practice and (more complex) statistical models. The project is thus focused on bridging the gap between statistical methods, more specifically network analyses/dynamical system models and their implementation in clinical practice. I aim to develop techniques that allow psychotherapists the formalization of their clinical expertise (either general clinical theories or patient-specific knowledge) into dynamical system models, without requiring a technical/programming background. Dynamical system models are already applied in biology, ecology, physic and many other disciplines and could also be used to model patient-specific dynamics based on clinical theories and patient-specific knowledge. Ultimately, they can also be fitted to time-series data. I believe that giving psychotherapists a tool that incorporates their expertise with patients is crucial for statistical models to be applied in psychotherapy.
Upcoming symposia and conferences
16 and 17 May 2019: MartiniPlaza in Groningen (the Netherlands): Conference Supporting Health by Technology (9th Edition)

See the top of this newsletter for more information, or: for more information
19-22 June 2019: Syracuse (USA): 6th biannual conference of the Society for Ambulatory Assessment (SAA). 
20-22 June 2019: SLTBR (Chicago USA): 31st annual conference of the Society for Light Treatment and Biological Rhythms 

The Society for Light Treatment and Biological Rhythms (SLTBR) is an international scientific non-profit organization devoted to promoting research and (clinical) knowledge about the chronobiology of psychiatric as well as other medical disorders.  The conference, to be held at the Northwestern school of medicine, will consist of clinical, applied and fundamental symposia devoted to the effects of light, sleep and its role in health, mood regulation and performance. SLTBR welcomes abstract submission from members and non-members alike. Abstracts may be submitted as an oral or poster presentation. 
Abstract Deadline: March 31, 2019
26-28 June 2019: ICAMPAM (Maastricht): Physical activity and monitoring: from data science to applications 

Late breaking abstract submissions will be accepted during a two-week submission period beginning on Friday, March 15, and closing on Monday, April 1Late breaking abstracts will be considered for poster presentation only. No oral presentations will be awarded.

Symposium submission closed
Pre-conference workshop submission closed 
Regular abstract submission closed
4 July 2019: 16:00-17:00: Ilab research meeting

Julian Burger and Date van der Veen

"Bridging the gap between clinical practice and complex models."

Please note that the previously mentioned date of 16 May has been changed into the current date of 4 July. This, because the conference Supporting Health by Technology (9th Edition) is held on 16 May in the MartiniPlaza in Groningen
16-18 Oct 2019: Tilburg, 7th International Conference on Emotions, Wellbeing and Health. 


Deadline for submission of abstracts, symposia, and workshops is: April 1, 2019.

7th International conference on emotions, wellbeing and health. Tilburg. This three-day-conference will offer a broad variety of research on how adequate and inadequate emotion regulation impact on mental and physical functioning. As in the previous conferences in this series, Emotions 2019 will include cuttingedge fundamental research, novel research methodologies, and clinically oriented studies.

8 November -14 March

Hoorelbeke K, Van den Bergh N, Wichers M, Koster EHW. Between vulnerability and resilience: A network analysis of fluctuations in cognitive risk and protective factors following remission from depression. Behav Res Ther. 2019 Jan 23;116:1-9. doi: 10.1016/j.brat.2019.01.007.
Provenzano J, Bastiaansen JA, Verduyn P, Oldehinkel AJ, Fossati P, Kuppens P. Different Aspects of the Neural Response to Socio-Emotional Events Are Related to Instability and Inertia of Emotional Experience in Daily Life: An fMRI-ESM Study. Front Hum Neurosci. 2018 Dec 11;12:501. doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2018.00501.
Bos EH, de Jonge P, Cox RFA. Affective variability in depression: Revisiting the inertia-instability paradox. Br J Psychol. 2018 Dec 26. doi: 10.1111/bjop.12372.
Janssens KAM, Bos EH, Rosmalen JGM, Wichers MC, Riese H. A qualitative approach to guide choices for designing a diary study. BMC Medical Research Methodology 2018;18:140.
Suelmann H, Brouwers A, Snippe E. Explaining Variations in Mindfulness Levels in Daily Life. Mindfulness (N Y). 2018;9(6):1895-1906. doi: 10.1007/s12671-018-0932-1.
Bakker JM, Goossens L, Kumar P, Lange IMJ, Michielse S, Schruers K, Bastiaansen JA, Lieverse R, Marcelis M, van Amelsvoort T, van Os J, Myin-Germeys I, Pizzagalli DA, Wichers M. From laboratory to life: associating brain reward processing with real-life motivated behaviour and symptoms of depression in non-help-seeking young adults. Psychol Med. 2018 Nov 29:1-11. doi: 10.1017/S0033291718003446.
Batalas N, Khan VJ, Franzen M, Markopoulos P, Aan Het Rot M. Formal representation of ambulatory assessment protocols in HTML5 for human readability and computer execution. Behav Res Methods. 2018 Nov 7. doi: 10.3758/s13428-018-1148-y.


Do you miss your publication in this list? Send it to and it will be listed in the next newsletter.

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iLab staff
Harriëtte Riese: (Head of iLab)
Gerda Bloem: (equipment and room reservations)
Klaas Wardenaar: (newsletters)
Marij Zuidersma: (newsletters and iLab website)

Robert Schoevers: (Head of UCP)
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