T-BiDE (Tms in Bipolar DEpression)

Purpose of the study

To determine the efficacy of repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (rTMS) in patients with medication-resistant Bipolar Depression. 


Prof. dr. E. van Exel (Principal investigator, Amsterdam UMC location VUmc/ GGZ inGeest)

Drs. E. Oostra (Neuroscientist and PhD candidate, Amsterdam UMC location VUmc/ GGZ inGeest)

Prof. dr. O.A. van den Heuvel (Coordinating investigator, Amsterdam UMC location VUmc)

Dr. P. van Eijndhoven (Principal investigator, Radboud UMC Nijmegen)

Multicenter research: PI’s:

Dr. S.M. van Belkum (MD, psychiatrist, UMC Groningen)

Dr. E. el Filali (MD, psychiatrist, PsyQ den Haag)

Drs. E. Boere (MD, psychiatrist, PsyQ Rotterdam)

Dr. E. Regeer (MD, psychiatrist, Altrecht Utrecht)

Drs. M. van Lochmann Bennekom (MD, psychiatrist, ProPersona Nijmegen)


  - 2025-06-01


Patients with a bipolar disorder who did not respond to two or more adequately dosed medication trials in the current depressive episode, aged 18 years and over.