Pilot TRANS-ID tapering

transitions in depressive symptoms during tapering of antidepressants

Purpose of the study

The aim of this pilot study is to examine (1) whether monitoring of daily experiences during and after tapering of antidepressants gives personalized insights in warning signals preceding transitions in depression (2) whether individuals find it helpful to monitor their daily experiences during and after tapering of depressive symptoms. Furthermore, the feasibility of this intensive diary study will be examined and the diary questions included in the study will be evaluated with participants. This is a pilot for the larger TRANS-ID tapering study.


  • Prof. M. Wichers
  • Dr. E. Snippe


  - 2017-01-31


Participants should meet all of the following criteria: – age ≥ 18 – a history of depressive symptoms – having made a shared decision with a mental health care provider to taper the current dose of antidepressant medication – having made a tapering scheme or plan with a mental health care provider