Ongoing projects

Ongoing projects that use iLab facilities

Study Psychiatric assessment Revisited: Social, Psychophysiological and Environmental Characterization of a Transdiagnostic cohort (PRoSPECTs) feasibility study.
Investigators Dr. S.H. Booij, Dr. H. Riese, Prof. dr. R.A. Schoevers, Dr. K.J. Wardenaar, Dr. M. Zuidersma, Dr. F.M. Bos, Dr. L.F. Bringmann, M. Stadel, R.R. Jagesar, Prof. Dr. M.J.H. Kas, Dr. S.M. Burke, Dr. S. Brederoo and others
Date Dec 2021 – May 2022
Purpose The objective of the current study is to assess feasibility and acceptance of a pre-treatment transdiagnostic psychiatric assessment module. This module includes the assessment of various social, psychophysiological and environmental characteristics that can be used to personalize treatment in an evidence-based manner.
Participants A heterogenous group of adult patients (in terms of symptoms), that will be evaluated for care, or are already in care, at the University Center of Psychiatry.
Investigators Edith Liemburg, Danielle Cath, Shamira Kuiper, Maartje Hofman, Jolien Kik, Tryntsje Fokkema, Jolien Panjer
Date 1 March 2021 – 1 March 2023
Purpose To offer lifestyle training aiming to change lifestyle in order to improve health and quality of life.
Participants Patients with depression, bipolar disorder or anxiety disorder who also fulfill criteria for metabolic syndrome.
Investigators Sarah Burke, Elske Hogendoorn, Sterre van der Ziel, Linda Jolink, Judith Rosmalen
Date 1 September 2020 – 1 September 2025
Purpose People differ to a large degree in how much they suffer from somatic symptoms. This difference is not only related to innate factors, but also to previous experiences with somatic symptoms. This project will study how these differences originate in early life experiences.
Participants TRAILS-NEXT cohort.
Study VRelax – self-management of stress and sleep disturbances with virtual reality relaxation for people with mood, anxiety or psychotic disorders
Investigators Dr. C.M.G. van Driel , Prof. dr. W. Veling , Dr. H.J.R. Hoenders , Drs. M. Jongma , Dr. M.L. Noordzij
Date 1 September 2020 – 1 September 2024
Purpose The effectiveness of adding VRelax to treatment as usual (TAU) in reducing psychiatric symptoms in patients with anxiety, depressive, bipolar or psychotic disorder compared to TAU only.
Participants 185 patients diagnosed with psychotic, anxiety, bipolar and depressive disorder.
Study FUSYCO – An observational study using radioligand [11C]-UCB-J to determine synaptic density in healthy participants, patients with a psychotic disorder and their healthy siblings.
Investigators Prof. Dr. I.E.C. Sommer, Monique Germann
Date juli 2020 – juli 2023
Purpose Primary aim is to evaluate whether psychotic patients have a lower synaptic density compared to healthy controls and healthy siblings. In addition, we aim to evaluate whether synaptic density influences cognition and functional connectivity, and whether functional connectivity mediates the association between synaptic density and cognitive functioning. Finally, we will evaluate genetic influences on secondary illness- and medication-related effects.
Participants Group 1: 26 psychotic patients (diagnosis schizophrenia, schizo affective disorder or schizophreniform disorder).
Group 2: 26 healthy siblings of patients.
Group 3: 26 healthy controls.
Study VR-SOAP – Virtual Reality treatment for improving SOcial Activities and Participation of young people with psychosis.
Investigators Dauw Muijsson, dr. Elise van der Stouwe, dr. Kirstin Greaves-Lord, Saskia Nijman, Ivo Meins, prof. dr. Marieke Pijnenborg, prof. dr. Wim Veling
Date July 2020 – onwards
Purpose Currently, the feasibility and acceptability of this new virtual reality treatment are assessed in a pilot study. In the coming years, a single-blind randomized controlled trial will be conducted to test the effect of VR-SOAP on social contacts, leisure activities and social participation.
Participants Patients with a DSM-5 diagnosis of schizophrenia spectrum or other psychotic disorder, age 18-35 years, and reduced quantity and quality of social contacts, leisure activities or social participation. Pilot: N = 6, RCT, N = 116.
Study VRelax-IC: Effectiveness of virtual reality relaxation (VRelax) on perceived stress among intensive care nurses during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Investigators J.W.H.M. Nijland, W. Veling, B.P. Lestestuiver, C.M.G. van Driel
Date April 2020 – January 2021
Purpose To test the effectiveness of VRelax in reducing immediate perceived stress in ICU nurses experiencing ongoing distress during de COVID-19 pandemic.
Participants 70 ICU nurses working during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Study Lifestyle in psychiatry.
Website Click here
Investigators Charlie Schillemans, Sanne Booij, Rogier Hoenders, Stynke Castelein
Date 1 April 2020 – 1 April 2024
Purpose To test the acceptability, feasibility and effectiveness of lifestyle interventions for patients with a severe or chronic psychiatric illness.
Participants Patients with a severe or chronic psychiatric illness.
Study Ieder Kind is Anders.
Investigators Anne Margit Reitsema, dr. Bertus Jeronimus, prof. dr. Marijn van Dijk, prof. dr. Peter de Jonge
Date April 2020 – onwards
Purpose To better understand the psychic health and wellbeing of children without placing labels.
Participants Children and adolescents between 8 and 18 years, parents of children between 4 and 18 years.
Study Corona diary study.
Investigators Elise van der Stouwe, Fionneke Bos, Chris Geraets, Wim Veling, Harriette Riese, Danielle Cath, Erna van ‘t Hag
Date 27 March 2020 – onwards
Purpose The aim of the ESM study is to gain insight in how patients are coping during the corona pandemic and the diaries can therefore be an important clinical tool to monitor patients in times of limited face-to-face contact. More specifically, the diary concerns items on mood, social contact and activities.
Participants 40 patients from the University Center Psychiatry (UCP) or GGZ Drenthe.
Study GUTS: Probiotics for patients with psychotic and/or bipolar disorder.
Investigators prof. dr. Iris Sommer; dr. Benno Haarman; Jenny Borkent, MSc; Magda Ioannou, MSc
Date 31 May 2019 to 31 March 2022
Purpose To examine the effect of probiotics on symptom severity, cognition, stomach- and intenstine complaints, inflammatory markers, permeability of the intestines, and the microbiome
Participants Schizophrenia and bipolar disorder patients.
Investigators Bart Lestestuiver, Stéphanie Klein Tuente, Chris Geraets, Wim Veling
Date Until 31 Dec 2021
Purpose To test a virtual reality emotion recognition task.
Participants 50 patients with psychosis.
Study MINDCOG: mechanisms of change of short therapeutic interventions to reduce perseverative cognition—a vulnerability for depression.
Investigators M.E. Besten, MSc, dr. M.J. van Tol, dr. M.K. van Vugt, prof. dr. A. Aleman, dr. H. Riese
Date October 2019 onwards
Purpose To investigate 1) the psycho-physiological and cognitive mechanisms by which one-week App-based training of fantasizing vs. mindfulness affect perseverative cognitions (PC) and 2) if pre-therapeutic individual characteristics predict superior effectivity of one intervention over the other in reducing perseverative cognitions (PC).
Participants 50 remitted Major Depressive Disorder patients and 50 health controls. Exclusion criteria: psychotic symptoms, manic symptoms, comorbid epilepsy, the use of tricyclic antidepressants.
Study FOCUS, study part A micro: ‘better lives of people with a psychotic disorder living supported’.
Investigators prof. dr. Richard Bruggeman, prof. dr. Tineke Abma (Amsterdam UMC, locatie VUmc), dr. Gustaaf Bos, dr. Lian van der Krieke and Alke Haarsma, MA
Date April 2019 – April 2024
Purpose 1) Gaining more insight in the perspectives of relevant stakeholders (including the researcher) concerning ‘better lives’ of people with psychosis; 2) Facilitating dialogue and mutual understanding between stakeholders, and 3) Improving communications and collaborations with and around people with psychosis.
Participants Primarily and most importantly: people with a psychotic disorder living with varying intensities of support, in Zwolle and Groningen. Secondarily, their family members, friends, neighbors, mental health care workers, cops, and so on.
Study NESDA.
Investigators Amsterdam – Prof.dr. Penninx; Groningen – Prof.dr. Schoevers, dr. H. Riese; Leiden – Prof. dr. van Hemert
Date January 2019 – March 2022
Purpose To identify risk factors for the development and course of anxiety and depression.
Participants Patients with mood disorders, and anxiety disorders
Study PETRA: Personalized Treatment by Real-Time Assessment.
Investigators dr. Harriette Riese, prof dr. Marieke Wichers, drs. Fionneke Bos, dr. Ando Emerencia, dr. Erwin Veermans
Date January 2019 onwards
Purpose To develop a tool that helps patients and clinicians to construct a personalized diary and interpret the resulting diary feedback.
Participants Patients with mood disorders, anxiety disorders, or psychotic disorders and their clinicians
Study Circadian rhythm disturbances and depression
Investigators Drs. Olga Minaeva, Dr. Sanne Booij, Dr. Harriette Riese, Prof. Marieke Wichers
Date September 2018 – March 2022
Purpose We aim to investigate how circadian rhythm disturbances underlie the development of depression.
Participants Depressed individuals (currently depressed and remitted) and healthy controls
Study MATCH: Modifying psychologicAl Treatment to the CHaracteristics and needs of cancer survivors
Investigators Prof. dr. Hans Knoop, dr. Annemarie Braamse & Susan Harnas, MSc (onderzoeksteam Amsterdam UMC, locatie AMC), prof dr. Judith Rosmalen (UMCG, ICPE)
Date 1 July 2018 untill 30 June 2022
Purpose To examine whether personalized psychological treatment has added value to protocolled psychological treatment on patient functioning in cancer survivors
Participants 186 cancer survivors with severe cancer-related fatigue, depression and/or fear of cancer recurrence. More specific, patients after esophageal, hematological malignancy treated with allogeneic stem cell transplantation, and patients after breast cancer are included in this study. Exclusion criteria: psychotic symptoms, manic symptoms, comorbid epilepsy, the use of tricyclic antidepressants.
Study Chronotherapy
Investigators Drs. S.J.M. Druiven, Dr. B.C.M. Haarman, Dr. H. Riese, Dr. J. Kamphuis, Dr. Y. Meesters, Prof. Dr. R.A. Schoevers
Date 1 October 2018
Purpose To examine predictors of positive response to chronotherapy as treatment of a depressive episode
Participants 50 patients diagnosed with a depressive episode in the context of a depressive disorder or bipolar disorder. Exclusion criteria: psychotic symptoms, manic symptoms, comorbid epilepsy, the use of tricyclic antidepressants.
Study Dynamische Interactieve Sociale Cognitietraining in Virtual Reality (DiSCoVR) for patients with psychotic disorder.
Investigators Saskia Nijman, Marieke Pijnenborg, Wim Veling
Date April 2018 – Autumn 2021
Purpose To test the efficacy of a social cognition training in virtual reality, by comparing it to an active control group who gets VR-relaxation training (VRelax)
Participants Patients with psychotic disorder.
Study Ghosts from the past: Consequences of Adolescent Peer Experiences across Contexts and Generations.
Investigators dr. Tina Kretschmer, dr. Charlotte Vrijen, Maria Wiertsema
Date Beginning of 2018 – 31 January 2023
Purpose To explore how peer experiences, such as friendships and peer acceptance but also bullying and victimization in adolescence may have an impact on our social lives in different contexts as young adults. Fascinatingly, CAPE also explores continuity in peer experiences across generations. That is, we study whether parents’ peer experiences affect the peer experiences of their offspring. For example, parents who have been bullied a lot when they were younger might be especially alert to problems in their children’s interactions with peers and friends. Alternatively, it might be that peer experiences in parents and children are similar because family members share the same genetic make-up.
Participants CAPE utilizes data from the TRacking Adolescents’ Individual Lives Survey (TRAILS). In TRAILS a large group of young people in the north of the Netherlands has completed a lot of questionnaires and tests every 2-3 years since they were 11 years old. They are now in their late twenties and some have their own children. The intergenerational spin-off study TRAILS NEXT follows those families. In CAPE, we study the first steps of young children into the social world and explore the role of their parents therein.
Study The Safety and Efficacy of Psilocybin in Subjects with Treatment-Resistant Depression (P-TRD).
Website Psilocybinestudie
Investigators Prof. Dr. R.A. Schoevers; Sub-investigators: Dr. J. Kamphuis en Drs. M. Vischjager (tevens studiecoördinator)
Date 2018 – May 2021
Purpose bepalen van veiligheid en effectiviteit van psilocybine (stof uit psychoactieve paddenstoelen) bij patiënten met een therapieresistente depressie.
Participants patiënten met een depressieve stoornis (1e episode dan langer dan 3 maanden, maar korter dan 2 jaar, of een recidiverende depressie) die tijdens de huidige episode minimaal 2 en maximaal 4 antidepressiva hebben gebruikt.
Study MARIO (Mood and Resilience in Offspring).
Investigators PI’s en coordinatoren: Prof. Dr. Brenda Penninx (VU medisch centrum), Prof. Dr. Manon Hillegers (Erasmus medisch centrum), Dr. Mandy Hu (VU medisch centrum), Dr. Annabel Vreeker (Erasmus Medisch Centrum), Catharina Hartman (Universitair Medisch Centrum Groningen)
Date 2017-2025
Purpose 1. To study the development of depression (MARIO cohortstudie), 2. To early recognize depression, (MARIO screeningstudie) 3. To evaluate effects of an online program to prevent depression (MARIO preventiestudie).
Participants Children of parents with psychiatric disorders: MARIO cohortstudie: n=800, MARIO screeningstudie: n=1500, MARIO preventiestudie: n=300 (recruted from the group that participate in the MARIO screeningstudy)
Study Therap-i: Personalized self-monitoring and feedback tool to improve standard treatment of affective disorders.
Investigators Dr. H. Riese, Drs. D.C. van der Veen, Dr. M.N. Servaas, Drs. P.L. von Klipstein, Prof. Dr. R.A. Schoevers
Date January 2018 – December 2021
Purpose To investigate the use of personalized self-monitoring and feedback as a tool for collaborative case-conceptualization in the treatment of patient experiencing complex affective disorders.
Participants 100 depressed outpatients between 18 and 65 years of age that exhibit some form of complexity
Study Experience sampling feedback in the diagnosis of first psychosis
Investigators Drs. F.M. Bos, Dr. W.A. Veling, Dr. E. Snippe, Dr. J.A.J. van der Krieke, Prof. Dr. M.C. Wichers, Dr. R. Bruggeman
Date Sept 2017 onwards
Purpose To investigate the application of experience sampling methodology (ESM) feedback to the diagnosis of patients with first psychosis. We will evaluate 1) what insights ESM feedback offers patients and clinicians, and 2) in what way ESM feedback influences ensuing treatment.
Participants 20 patients with first psychosis
Study Handling Antipsychotic Medication, Long- term Evaluation of Targeted Treatment (HAMLETT)
Investigators Drs. Iris Sommer, Wim Veling, Marieke Begemann, Erna van ’t Hag, Chris Geraets, Ilse Thompson, Alban Voppel, Priscilla Oomen
Date Sept 2017 – Sept 2024
Purpose The current guidelines advise to continue antipsychotic use at least for 1 year after remission of the complaints. However, early tapering of antipsychotics may be beneficial for functioning. The HAMLETT study examines whether following the current guidelines, or whether early tapering of antipsychotics is most beneficial for long-term functioning.
Participants Patients with a first psychosis that use antipsychotics.
Study TRAILS TRANS-ID: Tracking transition across diagnostic boundaries of psychopathology
Investigators Prof. Dr. Marieke Wichers, Dr. Catharina Hartman, Dr. Hanneke Wigman, Drs. Robin Groen, Drs. Marieke Schreuder
Date Sept 2017 – April 2021
Purpose The TRAILS TRANS-ID project investigates whether personalized early warning signals and network characteristics are informative for the type of symptoms individuals may develop.
Participants Participants are individuals from the TRAILS-CC sample
Study TRANS-ID tapering: Transitions In Depressive symptoms during tapering of antidepressants
Investigators Prof. Marieke Wichers, Dr. Evelien Snippe, Dr. Harriette Riese, Drs. Arnout Smit, Drs. Yoram Kunkels
Date May 2017 – Aug 2021
Purpose The TRANS-ID Tapering project investigates whether early warning signals precede critical transitions in depressive symptoms within single individuals during or after tapering of antidepressants.
Participants Participants are adults (age ≥ 18) with a history of depression who made a shared decision with their medical doctor to taper their antidepressant medication.
Study TRANS-ID recovery: Monitoring mood during psychological treatment
Investigators Prof. Marieke Wichers, Dr. Evelien Snippe, Dr. Harriette Riese, Drs. Marieke Helmich, Drs. Yoram Kunkels
Date May 2017 – Aug 2021
Purpose The TRANS-ID Recovery project investigates whether the moment individuals begin to recover from depressive symptoms is anticipated by personalized early warning signals.
Participants Participants are adults (age ≥ 18) with current depressive symptoms who are due to start a psychological treatment for depressive symptoms.
Study SFT-PMT: Group schema-focused therapy enriched with psychomotor therapy for older adults with personality disorders in specialized mental health care: A (cost-)effectiveness study.
Investigators M. S. Veenstra, S. D. M. van Dijk, R. Bouman, R. H. S. van den Brink & R. C. Oude Voshaar
Date 30 Dec 2016 to 1 August 2021
Purpose To examine the (cost)effectiveness of group-based schema therapy, augmented with psychomotor therapy on psychiatric and somatic complaints and quality of life.
Participants 140 patients with cluster B or C personality disorder, who are referred to specialized mental health care for older persons.
Study Patient-specific measurement of (functional) movement disorders
Investigators Drs. G. Kramer, Prof. dr. M.A.J. De Koning-Tijssen, Prof. Dr. J.G.M. Rosmalen
Date July 2016 onwards
Purpose To determine contributing factors to symptom fluctuation in (functional) movement disorders
Participants Participants with a neurological movement disorder and participants with a functional movement disorders
Study A guided peer support intervention to improve social support and life skills in patients with a psychotic disorder
Investigators MSc. J.S Vogel, Prof. dr. P.F. Roodbol,Prof. dr. Mark van der Gaag, Dr. S. Castelein, Dr. J. Bruins
Date 2016 – Dec 2019
Purpose Decline in loneliness in people with psyhotic disorders
Participants Individuals with a psychotic disorder living in the community (n=4×25)
Study ZELF-i Self-monitoring and personalized feedback as a tool to boost depression treatment
Investigators Dr. J.A.C.J. Bastiaansen, Prof. dr. A.J. Oldehinkel
Date June 2016 – June 2019
Purpose To investigate the effectiveness of selfmonitoring and personalized feedback as a stepping stone for the treatment of depressive complaints.
Participants 150 depressed outpatients between 18 and 65 years of age attending mental health care organizations in the North of the Netherlands
Study Mapping Individual Routes of Risk and Resilience (MIRORR) study
Investigators Dr. J.T.W. Wigman, Dr. S.H. Booij, Prof. dr. M.C.Wichers, Prof. dr. L.Wunderink
Date March 2016 onwards
Purpose To predict the onset and progression of psychopathology, in particular psychosis, by means of dynamic symptomnetworks
Participants Four subgroups of increasing risk for psychosis (n=4×25)
Study Dagboekstudie Yogagroep CIP
Investigators Nina Volbehr, Dr. Sanne Booij, Dr. Agna Bartels-Veldhuis
Date January 2016 onwards
Purpose To better understand whether a yoga training influences psychiatric symptoms and underlying mechanisms.
Participants 13 clients of the Centrum Integrale Psychiatrie (Lentis) participating in a 9-week yoga training
Investigators Iris Sommer, Alban Voppel, Janna de Boer, Sanne Brederoo, Sanne Schuite-Koops, Joppe Wouts
Date August 2015 onwards
Purpose Developing a biomarker for psychiatry based on speech.
Participants Patients with a depressive, bipolar, psychotic, or anxiety disorder.
Study TRAILS – tracking the next generation
Investigators Dr. C.A. Hartman, Dr. A.M. Sluiter-Oerlemans, Dr. J.S. Klop-Richards, Drs. S.A. Barzeva, Dr. T. Kretschmer, Dr. C. Vrijen, Drs. H.W. Ozinga
Date February 2015 onwards
Purpose To study parent and child development as early as possible and investigate how parental characteristics influence the development of their children.
Participants TRAILS Participants who are or will become parents in the upcoming years.
Study ROMGPS: Routine Outcome Monitoring – Geriatric Psychiatry & Sciences
Website None. For study design see: Oude Voshaar RC et al. Study design of the Routine Outcome Monitoring for Geriatric Psychiatry & Science (ROMGPS) project; a cohort study of older patients with affective disorders referred for specialised geriatric mental health care. BMC Psychiatry 2019.
Investigators Richard Oude Voshaar, Rob van den Brink, and ROMGPS study group
Date January 2015 onwards
Purpose The primary aim is to study the one-year outcome (remission) of late-life depressive-, anxiety- and somatic symptom disorders jointly. ROMGPS specifically aims to estimate the impact of comorbidity between affective disorders, the treatment components delivered, and age-related characteristics on treatment effectiveness. Such knowledge will guide the development of more effective and age-specific treatment strategies.
Participants Patients referred to geriatric psychiatric outpatient departments, who are diagnosed at intake with a unipolar mood disorder, anxiety disorder (GAD, panic disorder, agoraphobia, or social phobia) or somatoform disorder.
Study HoeGekIsNL Diary study Mood and Anxiety in Daily life (MAD)
Investigators Dr. E.H. Bos, Prof. Dr. P. de Jonge, Dr. J.A.J. van der Krieke, Dr. B.F. Jeronimus, MSc, H.M. Schenk, MD, F.J. Blaauw, MSc, Dr. K.J. Wardenaar, S. de Vos, MSc, R.B.K. Wanders, MSc, Dr. J.T.W. Wigman
Date June 2014 onwards
Purpose To investigate the temporal dynamics of mood and anxiety symptoms, and factors associated with these symptoms within individuals. To examine to what extent these patterns are person-specific or generic.
Participants 200 (general population)
Study Beat victimization! A body-oriented resilience training using kickboxing exercises for people with a psychotic disorder.
Investigators Elise van der Stouwe, Bertine de Vries, Jooske van Busschbach, André Aleman, Marieke Pijnenborg
Date 1-Sept-2013 to 1-Dec-2020
Purpose The aim of the study is to develop a body-oriented resilience training with kickboxing exercises to decrease the risk of victimization for people with a psychotic disorder. We investigated the effect of the intervention on risk factors of victimization, on victimization incidents and on brain activation.
Participants A total of 105 patients with a psychotic disorder were included. Participants have been recruited from six mental health institutions: UCP, GGZ Drenthe, GGZ Friesland, Lentis, Dimence, Arkin.