Beat victimization!

A body-oriented resilience training using kickboxing exercises for people with a psychotic disorder.

Purpose of the study

The aim of the study is to develop a body-oriented resilience training with kickboxing exercises to decrease the risk of victimization for people with a psychotic disorder. We investigated the effect of the intervention on risk factors of victimization, on victimization incidents and on brain activation.


Elise van der Stouwe, Bertine de Vries, Jooske van Busschbach, André Aleman, Marieke Pijnenborg


  - 2020-12-01


A total of 105 patients with a psychotic disorder were included. Participants have been recruited from six mental health institutions: UCP, GGZ Drenthe, GGZ Friesland, Lentis, Dimence, Arkin.


BEATVIC, a body-oriented resilience therapy for individuals with psychosis: Short term results of a multi-center RCT