ESM upcoming meetings
For everyone who is interested in the use of experience sampling methods in research or clinical practice, please pay attention to the upcoming ESM meetings: (Next week!) Thursday, 25 July 2024, 13-14, UCP building, UMCG…
Het iLab biedt mogelijkheden tot een intensieve samenwerking tussen patiënten, behandelaren en onderzoekers. Wij vervullen hierbij ook een rol in het onderwijs van professionals.
For everyone who is interested in the use of experience sampling methods in research or clinical practice, please pay attention to the upcoming ESM meetings: (Next week!) Thursday, 25 July 2024, 13-14, UCP building, UMCG…
The PETRA team is thrilled to have received the ZonMw grant for the program “Praktijkgericht onderzoek in de ggz: Stimuleren van hybride zorg in de GGZ”. This funding will allow us to enhance PETRA ( Read More »
A few months ago, Aranka Ballering received her PhD with her research into male-female differences in persistent physical complaints and on April 23 she received a Rubicon grant from the NWO (Netherlands Organization…
On Thursday 3 and Friday 4 October 2024, the yearly meeting of the Belgian-Dutch Network for ESM Research in Mental Health will take place in Heerlen.
Please save the date! Details will follow….
Supporting Health by Tech 2024 The 13th edition of the Supporting Health by Technology Conference is taking place in Groningen on Thursday, 30th and Friday, 31st of May 2024. The conferenc…
Michelle Servaas (health psychologist and senior researcher) and Harriëtte Riese (Associate Professor) are very pleased to share with you the news that they have been awarded a grant from ZonMw (program Nationaal Plan Hoofdzaken) for the project name…