Newsletter October 2013

 iLab administrative support

We are very happy to announce that Jantina Douglas will give administrative support to the iLab from 1 November onwards. Questions with regard to new accounts, forgotten passwords, access to iLab rooms, reservation of equipment, fridge reservations etc can from then onwards be directed to her. Please note that from 4 November onwards Karin Janssens will be on pregnancy leave, so make sure to direct your questions to the right person. Non-administrative questions with regard to the iLab can be directed to Harriëtte Riese.


New study equipment

Four Nihon Kohden (PetCO2) TG-951T (with sensor TG-201TW) mainstream capnometer modules are made available for the iLab by Jan Houtveen. This device uses the infrared absorption method to estimate the end-tidal partial CO2 pressure (in mmHg) and respiration rate (bpm) in the exhaled air. Readings only available by RS-232 serial communication and the device needs an external 5v (0.6 W) power supply and disposable airway adapters. All specifications (e.g., the rs-232 handshake protocol) are available.

To remind you, blood pressure measures, VU-AMS equipment, accelerometers, a video camera, joysticks, and laptops are available as well. All equipment has to be reserved in advance by filling out the following document. Please delete your reservation after your study is finished and equipment is stored in the right place.


UCP site for study information

A new webpage on the UCP website has become available on which you can store (poster) information about your iLab or UCP study. The aim of this page is to inform and enthusiasm patients for study participation. If new patients are invited for a first visit to the UCP, the importance of research will be stressed and patients will be referred to the webpage for further information on ongoing research.  Please contact Margo Jongsma if you want your study to be addressed on this page. Standard text to address this way of patient recruitment in your METc proposal can be found in the standard METc protocol on the iLab website. Be aware that the official UMCG/RUG logo’s should be used on study information material. It is not allowed to make your own adaptation to these logo’s.


iLab meeting

A new iLab meeting will take place on the 28th of October, 15.00 to 17.00. The topic of this meeting is “Diary data in studies and clinical practice. Where are we now and which way to go?”. The goal is to come to a new approach to further develop diary use in studies and clinical practice, and to find ways to further automatize diary data collection and diary data processing as much as possible. Three short presentations will be given by Sjoerd Sytema, Sanne Booij, Elske Bos and Lian van der Krieke. That will be followed by (hopefully) fruitful discussions. Therefore, attendance and input of everybody, but especially of participants of recently started studies and clinicians is appreciated.


Also note…

  • An informative presentation by Elise Bennik showing (struggles with) analyses and brand new results of the UPPER-study
  • A humoristic Youtube video illustrating the debate between idiographic and nomothetic researchers.
  • An iLab meeting about ambulant measuring of immunological data will take place in March 2014. Speakers will be Jos Bosch (UvA), Maria Schenk (UMCG), and Jan Houtveen (UMCG). More details will follow soon.