Newsletter December 2014

Support VAR analyses Elske Bos

Elske Bos will coach two researchers from the ICPE to get familiar with VAR-analyses in the end of December 2014 and beginning of January 2015. If you are interested to join, you can contact Elske Bos. Note that you can only attend if you have followed the online ARIMA and VAR course. This online course takes about half a day to complete.


Update Workgroup automatic feedback

The automatic feedback workgroup takes place every two weeks on Tuesday from 3 p.m. to 4 p.m. Researchers from different research projects take part and it is a good way to learn from each other and discuss each other’s work. Till now we discussed the feedback reports used in Nesda and ‘How Nuts are the Dutch’, and developmental environments available to program automatic feedback reports. Summaries of the meetings are available online. In January 2015, concept reports of ‘No Fun No Glory’ (6 January 2015) and the Grip-project (20 January 2015) will be discussed.


External website

We received help from Heleen Dijkhuis (communication UMCG) to update the external iLab website. Using her very helpful suggestions the updated website will be online soon. If you have further suggestions for improvement, feel free to contact us.


Research meeting March 2015

The next iLab research meeting will be the 30th of March, 3 p.m. to 5 p.m., in the Eriba building (3226.0314). If you want to discuss a topic during this meeting or have ideas for topics to discuss, you can contact us.


New iLab employee

Last November, Gerda Bloem took over the iLab tasks of Jantina Douglas. If you want an iLab account, forgot your password, need equipment or freezer space , you can contact Gerda Bloem .  Please make sure to attend an iLab introduction meeting once you received your account, so that you know how to use the iLab Google Drive.


Introduction to the iLab for new employees and students

In 2015, iLab introduction meetings will be held once every two months. Dates  of the upcoming meetings in 2015 are: 3 February, 7 April, 2 June, 4 August and 6 October (all 1 p.m. to 1.30 p.m.). If you encounter problems while using Google Drive you can also attend the meeting and get personal help.


Have a nice Christmas holiday and best wishes for the New Year!!

Harriëtte Riese, Karin Janssens, Robert Schoevers