The second Belgian-Dutch network for ESM researchers in Mental Health meeting took place in Groningen on the 23rd and 24th of November 2017 (find the programme here). The event was located in Hotel Hampshire. Researchers from five different universities from all over the two countries joined the event.
The day started with Blitz presentations. Blitz presentations are very short presentations about a researcher’s project(s). Several researchers have agreed to put their presentation on this website:
- Fionneke Bos (UMCG / RuG) – Experience sampling methodology in clinical practice
- Mandy van der Gaag (RuG) – An ESM study on interventions in processes of early school leaving
- Marjan Drukker (UM) – Feasibility and results of single persons’ networks of symptoms using long-term data collection
The afternoon had several very interesting workshops, of which the slides can be found below.
- Workshop 1: Psychological and social network models: a (social) interaction. Coordinated by: Laura Bringmann (University of Groningen), Karlijn Hermans (KU Leuven), Robin Achterhof (KU Leuven)
- Workshop 2: Hands-on experience with the mobileQ ESM software. Coordinated by: Kristof Meers (KU Leuven)
- Workshop 3: ESM methodology. Coordinated by: Hugo Vachon (KU Leuven)
- Workshop 4: ESM and activity monitors: Practical and Theoretical Points to Consider. Coordinated by: Aki Rintala (KU Leuven), Yoram Kunkels (UMC Groningen)